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What are the different types of programming languages


In programming languages What are the advantages and disadvantages of having no types in a language?There is no such thing as an untyped language. Every programminglanguage uses types to determine which operations are valid for agiven value. It would not make sense to multiply two strings, forinstance. Statically typed languages perform validation duringcompilation; invalid operations would prevent compilation and thuseliminates errors which would otherwise have to be detected atruntime, as per a dynamically typed language.

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What are the different level of programming languages?Low and High Low language is like assembly language and machine languages. High level languages like C++, Java, Python,etc.

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How is a Web markup language different from a programming language?Markup languages tell the browser how to display something. Programming languages tell a markup language what to tell the browser dynamically.

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What are the different format of a assembly language program?Another way of defining assembler is to call it chip set programming. Different chips set have different protocols but what you are doing is programming the hardest way you can

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BASIC – This was the language Bill Gates released for the C64 and other computers. It quickly became a very popular language and matured into Visual Basic, which further matured into Visual Studio. The current implementation is very expensive, however Microsoft have released Express versions of the Visual Studio series which are free, at the expense (removal) of some functionality. There is also a very young cross-platform (Windows, Linux) Free and Open Source (FOSS) implementation of BASIC called FreeBASIC, which I personally program in and find very easy to use. It aims for compatibility with QuickBASIC while giving easy access to the host platforms system functions (the Windows API on Windows and system calls on Linux).

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Why are there so many different program languages?There are probably several reasons for this fact. 1) Specialization. Each programming language has its unique strengths and weaknesses that make it more or less applicable for a particular kind of software. For example, C and C++ are great for systems programming and computationally intensive programs. Java and C are great for web applications and applications with graphical user interfaces. Perl is great for quick ad hoc programs that need diverse capabilities. 2) Preferences. Despite the first point, there is a lot of overlap in the capabilities of programming languages yet people choose different programming languages because the like the style of it more than another comparable programming language. For example, a web application could be written in Java or PHP, but someone may choose PHP because they like that style better. A scientific program could be written in C++ or C, but the decision could come down to personal preference. 3) Evolution. The field of computer science is still relatively young and so new programming languages are still being created all the time. Its probably safe to say that most programming languages ever created only ever saw very minimal use. Many programming languages were created to try a new idea out or find a new and better way to make programs. Many of these experimental languages have influenced mainstream programming languages even though they may not see regular use anymore. In fact, languages like Java and C have successfully attempted to assimilate many previous experimental programming language features. Also, because programming languages are still evolving, there is still much software in use that was written 20 or 30 years ago and never rewritten creating the need to keep older programming languages around such as Fortran.

How are programming languages different from a conventional language such as English for example?Natural languages such as English are more flexible thanprogramming languages. Programming languages have a very strictsyntax with no room for any misunderstanding; everything must bewritten explicitly using expressions the machine has beenspecifically programmed to comprehend. In natural language we canmake use of abstractions, metaphors, similes and other languagetools to convey a concept with a rich vocabulary. But inprogramming we have a very limited vocabulary to work with. Our jobas programmers is to use that vocabulary as the building block fora more complex vocabulary, one that specifically deals with theproblem we are trying to solve.Types of programming language that is machine independent?FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) is the best-known earliest example of machine independent language. This is where the language is not dependent on the characteristics of the computer. COBAL (COmmon Business-Orientated Language) is the other type of programming language that is machine independent. COBAL was developed by the US Navy for business applications.

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Why is there need for different programming languages?Confusing, isnt it? Having to deal with several programming languages. Different programming languages have been created, because of insatisfaction with existing languages. Also, attempts have been made to make programming languages better every time. Also, some languages have been developed for specific purposes – for example, ActionScript was specifically developed to give programming capabilities to Flash animations. Some languages have been developed just for fun. For example, a language called brainf*** was deliberately made hard to understand – but the language is still Turing-complete, which basically means that in theory, anything can be programmed with it. Let me give a few examples. C++ evolved from C, adding object-oriented capabilities. But in the process, compatibility with C was retained; this was an important design goal. On the other hand, the developers of Java took many of the elements of C++, but eliminated certain aspects which they considered unsafe. Thus, Java is similar to C++, but it is not compatible – a program designed in C++ will not compile in Java.

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What are the different generation of programming language?That depends on who you speak to. Some people regard the first generation as being raw machine code, the second generation being the low-level assembler languages while the third generation covers all high level languages. However, historically, there was no such thing as first or second generation languages until the introduction of the third generation hardware. At this point the high level languages shifted their focus, favouring the programmer rather than the computer, easing the burden on the programmer. These languages became known as the third generation languages to coincide with the hardware shift, while older high level languages became the second generation and assembly language reflexively became the first generation.

In a programming language (such as Basic, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, and soon), you write lines of code that perform one operation afteranother until the program completes its tasks. The program mayexecute its lines of code in a linear sequence or loop to repeatsome steps or branch to skip others. In any case, when writing aprogram in a procedural language, the programmer specifies what isto be done and how to do it. SQL, on the other hand, is a query language in that you tell SQLwhat you want to do without specifying exactly how to accomplishthe task. The DBMS decides the best way to perform the job. Suppose, for example, that you have a CUSTOMER table, and you wanta list of customers that owe you more than $1,000.00. You couldtell the DBMS to generate the report with this SQL statement: SELECT NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, PHONE_NUMBER, BALANCE_DUE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE BALANCE_DUE1000.00 If writing a procedural program, you would have to write thecontrol loop that reads each row (record) in the table, decideswhether to print the values in the columns (fields), and moves onto the next row until it reaches the end of the table. In SQL, youspecify only the data you want to see. The DBMS then examines thedatabase and decides how best to fulfill your request.

What is different between primitive date type and non primitive data type in c plus plus programming language?A primitive data type is built into the language – int, char, long, etc. A non-primitive data type is am abstract data type that is built out of primitive data types – linked list, queue, stack, etc.

Is Python strongly typed programming language?Yes, Python is strongly-typed. You can test if any language is strongly-typed with a very simpleexample: x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y The above will not compile in a strongly typed language because yis a string, not a number. That is, the language will notimplicitly convert y to a number simply because you used it in anumeric expression. A weakly-linked language will perform theconversion behind the scenes. Note that some strongly typed languages will permit the following: value = 1 value = one This is an example of dynamic typing; the same variable hasexplicitly changed type. This is not possible with statically typedlanguages. However, dynamic typing does not imply weak typing.Dynamic typing is explicit, weak typing is not.

What reasons are there for different types of programming languages?That depends on the Applications that we like to run, i.e. we choose a programming language that is suitable for an application, for instance, we may use HTML and java scrip to design webpages while we can use foxpro or oracle to design a database and so forth…

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Types of programming languages their merits and demerits?Binary-Incredibly fast and difficult, just 1s and 0s. Assembly-Very fast and a tiny bit less difficult, its still incredibly hard to understand. Compiled-Easy-ish to understand, fast, and reliable, good for big projects. Byte-Code-Easy, medium-fast and reliable, also good for big projects. Interpreted-Very easy, will take you a day or 2 to learn the basics, very useful for math class ;). Markup-A newborn baby could code this with ease, just for static webpages mostly.

C, C, C++ – These I dont have much knowledge about, I can only make reference to the existence of gcc, a cross-platform (the amount of platforms it can compile to is mind-boggling) FOSS compiler. Visual Studio also has compilers for C++ and C.

Computer programming is the craft of writing useful, maintainable, and extensible instructions which can be interpreted by a computing system to perform a meaningful task. Programming a computer can be performed in one of numerous languages, ranging from a higher-level language to writing directly in low-level machine code (that is, code that more directly controls the specifics of the computers hardware) all the way to writing microcode (which does directly control the electronics in the computer). Using programming languages and markup languages (such as XHTML and XForms) require some of the same skills, but using markup languages is generally not considered programming. Nevertheless, many markup languages allow inclusion of scripts, e.g. many HTML documents contain JavaScript. There are exceptions where markup languages do represent programming such as SuperX++ ( and o:XML ( Computer programming is one part of a much larger discipline known as software engineering, which includes several different aspects of making software including design, construction and quality control. The subject of this book is software construction, that is, programming. Computer programming is also a useful skill (though not always necessary) for people who are interested in computer science. Whereas software engineering is interested specifically in making software, computer science tends to be oriented towards more theoretical or mathematical problems.

It would be impossible to list them all, but a few of the most common are as follows (listed in alphabetical order):

Why different types of programming languages have been developed?There are different uses for programs. The main variances occur in the level in which the language goes. That is you can go from writing a program in binary to using a language where all you have to right is Hello world and it does a set task. Given this there is also the fact there is always something who thinks that i can do better then this.Why are there different types of programming languages?Different types of programming languages exist because they each excels in a different aspect of programming, and in fact many languages are invented specifically to fulfill a niche that existing languages or language families dont handle as well as programmers would like. The two main distinctions used when determining what languages are best for a given task are low-level vs. high-level and interpreted vs. compiled. Low-level languages such as C and the various assembly languages grant a programmer the maximum amount of control over memory usage and allocation, making those languages good for embedded devices and tasks where memory is at a premium, while high-level languages provide a great deal of abstraction, allowing programmers to perform more complex tasks with less code and implementing concepts such as variable-length arrays, garbage collection, first-class functions, etc. Interpreted languages such as Perl or Ruby are executed by an interpreter program in real time, allowing these languages to benefit from features such as on-the-fly code modification (reflection) and dynamic typing and allowing them to be run on any system with an appropriate interpreter installed, while compiled languages are translated to machine code or bytecode, making these languages much faster and more efficient when run (as compilers can optimize programs ahead of time for speed and memory usage).Difference between programming language and query language?In a programming language (such as Basic, C, COBOL, FORTRAN, and soon), you write lines of code that perform one operation afteranother until the program completes its tasks. The program mayexecute its lines of code in a linear sequence or loop to repeatsome steps or branch to skip others. In any case, when writing aprogram in a procedural language, the programmer specifies what isto be done and how to do it. SQL, on the other hand, is a query language in that you tell SQLwhat you want to do without specifying exactly how to accomplishthe task. The DBMS decides the best way to perform the job. Suppose, for example, that you have a CUSTOMER table, and you wanta list of customers that owe you more than $1,000.00. You couldtell the DBMS to generate the report with this SQL statement: SELECT NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP, PHONE_NUMBER, BALANCE_DUE FROM CUSTOMER WHERE BALANCE_DUE>

What are the three types of programming language?There are more than 3 types of programming languages. Check similar questions/answers before posting this.What is the different translator of programming languages?Language Translators:: . Language translators convert programming source code into language that the computer processor understands. Programming source code has various structures and commands , but computer processors only understand machine language . Different types of translations must occur to turn programming source code into machine language, which is made up of bits of binary data . The three major types of language translators are compilers, assemblers, and interpreters.What are different application areas of programming language?C is a general-purpose, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie for use on the Unix operating system. It has since spread to many other operating systems, and is now one of the most widely used programming languages. C also has had a great influence on many other popular languages, especially C++ which was originally designed as an enhancement to C. It is the most commonly used programming language for writing system software, though it is also widely used for writing applications. Though not originally designed as a language for teaching, and despite its somewhat unforgiving character, C is commonly used in computer science education, in part because the language is so pervasive. C is a minimalistic programming language. Among its design goals were that it could be compiled in a straightforward manner using a relatively simple compiler, provide low-level access to memory, generate only a few machine language instructions for each of its core language elements, and not require extensive run-time support. As a result, C code is suitable for many systems-programming applications that had traditionally been implemented in assembly language. Despite its low-level capabilities, the language was designed to encourage machine-independent programming. A standards-compliant and portably written C program can be compiled for a very wide variety of computer platforms and operating systems with minimal change to its source code. The language has become available on a very wide range of platforms, from embedded microcontrollers to supercomputers. As an ALGOL-based language, C has the following characteristics: A procedural programming paradigm, with facilities for structured programming Lexical variable scope and recursion A static type system which prevents many meaningless operations Function parameters are generally passed by value (pass-by-reference is achieved in C by explicitly passing pointer values) Heterogeneous aggregate data types (struct in C) which allow related data elements to be combined and manipulated as a unit A small set (around 30) of reserved keywords C also has the following specific properties: Weak typing – for instance, characters can be used as integers (similar to assembly) Low-level access to computer memory via machine addresses and typed pointers Function pointers allow for a rudimentary form of closures and runtime polymorphism Array indexing as a secondary notion, defined in terms of pointer arithmetic A standardized C preprocessor for macro definition, source code file inclusion, conditional compilation, etc. A simple, small core language, with functionality such as mathematical functions and file handling provided by library routines C discarded the well established logical connectives and and or of most other algol derivatives and replaced them with && and , which Were invented in order to make bit-wise operations (& and ) syntactically distinct – Cs predecessor B used & and for both meanings Never evaluate the right operand if the result can be determined from the left alone (Minimal evaluation) C popularized the controversial decision to free the equal-sign for assignment use by replacing = with == (inherited from B). C lacks features found in some other systems implementation languages: No non-scalar operations such as copying of arrays or strings (old versions of C did not even copy structs automatically) No automatic garbage collection No bounds checking of arrays No semi-dynamic (i.e. stacked, runtime-sized) arrays until the C99 standard (despite not requiring garbage collection) No syntax for ranges, such as the A..B notation used in both newer and older languages No nested function definitions (although some compilers provide them, for example, GCC) No formal closures or functions as parameters (only function and variable pointers) No generators or coroutines; intra-thread control flow consists of nested function calls, except for the use of the longjmp or setcontext library functions No exception handling; standard library functions signify error conditions with the global errno variable and/or special return values Rudimentary support for modular programming No compile-time polymorphism in the form of function or operator overloading; only rudimentary support for generic programming No support for object-oriented programming; in particular, no support for polymorphism, inheritance and limited (inter-module only) support for encapsulation, even though there are libraries offering object systems for C, and many object-oriented languages are themselves written in C No native support for multithreading and networking, though these facilities are provided by popular libraries No standard libraries for graphics and several other application programming needs Although the list of built-in features C lacks is long, this has contributed significantly to its acceptance, as new C compilers can be developed quickly for new platforms. The relatively low-level nature of the language affords the programmer close control over what the program is doing, while allowing solutions that can be specially tailored and aggressively optimized for a particular platform. This allows the code to run efficiently on very limited hardware, such as mass-produced consumer embedded systems, which today are as capable as the general-purpose machines originally used to implement C. One consequence of Cs wide acceptance and efficiency is that the compilers, libraries, and interpreters of other higher-level languages are often implemented in C. C is used as an intermediate language by some higher-level languages. This is implemented in one of two ways, as languages which: Can output object code, machine code, or another representation (e.g., bytecodes), and C source code. Examples: some Lisp dialects, Squeaks C-subset Slang. Do not output object code, machine code, or another representation, but output C source code only. Examples: Eiffel, Sather; Esterel. C source code is then input to a C compiler, which then outputs finished object or machine code. This is done to gain portability (C compilers exist for nearly all platforms) and to avoid having to develop machine-specific code generators. Unfortunately, C was designed as a programming language, not as a compiler target language, and is thus less than ideal for use as an intermediate language. This has led to development of C-based intermediate languages such as C++What are 3 types of programming languages?Here are three types of programming languages: . structured programming . procedure oriented programming . object oriented programming

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What is the difference between a programming language and an Application Programming Interface?Application Program Interface (API) was created using program languages usually C/C++. — They are entirely different things, no point in comparing them.What are the different types of programming language?Procedure-oriented programming A type of programming where a structured method of creating programs is used. With procedure-oriented programming, a problem is broken up into parts and each part is then broken up into further parts. All these parts are known as procedures . They are separate but work together when needed. A main program centrally controls them all. Some procedure-oriented languages are COBOL, FORTRAN, and C. Object oriented programming A type of programming where data types representing data structures are defined by the programmer as well as their properties and the things that can be done with them. With object-oriented programming, programmers can also create relationships between data structures and create new data types based on existing ones by having one data type inherit characteristics from another one. In object-oriented programming, data types defined by the programmer are called classes (templates for a real world object to be used in a program). For example, a programmer can create a data type that represents a car – a car class. This class can contain the properties of a car (color, model, year, etc.) and functions that specify what the car does (drive, reverse, stop, etc.) Some object-oriented languages are C++, Java, and PHP.

How does programming language differ from a human language?A programming language is specifically for a computer. It does not have nouns, and verbs and adjectives, but has objects, methods and instances.What are the different aspects of the cost of programming languages?The different aspects of the cost of programming languages lies intheir complexities. The data structure and the data types isanother different aspects.

A type of programming language could be a domain, paradigm, or family; the related links give taxonomies according to all of these factors. The below answer addresses the question as regards families.

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What is the difference between a programming language and a database?\n. \n Answer \n. \n. \nProgramming language is to develop an application where a database is a place at which we can store the data about any objects and a software which maintains this database is called DBMS.

Computer TerminologyComputer WormsComputer ProgrammingC Programming

How markup language differ from programming languages?While markup is only used to do markup (strangely enough), to mark elements as headings, text, images, anchors or whatever. Programming or scripting languages are used to do calculations or different task that basically can make stuff happen.What are types or level of programming languages?You need to learn Java C/C++ Coding aswell as working with High-Tech Machines. You also need a major in Computer Science.

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Would you like to make it the primary and merge this question into it?

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How many types of programming languages are there?Basically there are two types: low level (assembler) and high level (C++, C and so on).What Different programming languages are there?Many, and some are better for certain tasks than others. . Theres… . Javascript . Java . HTML . python . C++ . ActionScript . Visual Basic . The list goes on and on. However, if you know one, itll beeasier to learn others. Its like learning spanish after learningfrench. They become easier as you go.

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Perl, PHP, Python – These are mainly the web languages of today. PHP is the most widely used, mainly because of the fact that support for it is compiled into Apache, the web server for Linux (which also has ports for Windows and if Im not mistaken, Mac OS). Perl and Python are also used very widely too, as its as simple as installing mod_perl into Apache for Perl to work with the same, and Id imagine Python integration is as easy too.

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What are the different programming languages?There are literally thousands of programming languages – some for special purpuses, some of a more general nature. Some popular languages are the Microsoft dotnet languages (C, Visual Basic , and others); Java; PHP; Python; and lots of others. You can get more information: * In the Wikipedia article on programming language * The TIOBE website has been keeping track of the most popular programming languages, for the last few years.

What is the different between system programs and programming language?A program (system or otherwise) is executable machine code. A programming language is a human readable representation of what the programmer wants in the form of source code. Source code must be converted into machine code before it can be executed. The conversion from source code to machine code is done by a computer program designed for that purpose. For more info check google for: compiler interpreter assembler

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