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What are the different types of programming languages? – Quora

However, all the high-level programming languages need to be first compiled into the lower ones before being executed. The main root of all languages is the machine language because even the Assembly Language needs to be converted into the machine language using a utility program called as the assembler!

What are different types of figurative language?

so there is lot of language and there is lot of use os these language. and just choose one language learn it and you can use for anything you want .

Procedures are the reusable code which can be called at any point of the program. Each procedure is defined by a name and set of instructions accomplishing a particular task. The procedure can be called by its name with the list of required parameters which should pass to tat procedure.

What are the different types of programming languages and their uses?

Assembly language are also known as second generation languages. These languages substitutes alphabetic or numeric symbols for the binary codes of machine language. That is, we can use mnemonics for all opcodes, registers and for the memory locations which provide us with a facility to write reusable code in the form of macros. Has two parts, one is macro name and the other is macro body which contains the line of instructions. A macro can be called at any point of the program by its name to use the instruction. A macro can be called at any point of the program by its name to use the instructions given in the macro repetitively.

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What are the differences among programming languages?

These are the third generation languages. These are procedure-oriented languages and are machine independent. Programs are written in English like statements. As high level languages are not directly executable, translators(compilers and interpreters) are used to convert them in machine language equivalent.

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Java- this is very powerful language for both backend (Logics) and front end (UI) and using this powerful language you can make any games, design websites etc.

, PhD with published algorithmic complexity results and happy to be an advisor.

2)Additional memory space is required for storing compiler or interpreter.

, C.. so you can make any PC application and widows phone application using this language and platform.

What do the different programming languages do?

These languages enable the programmer to write instruction using English words and familiar mathematical symbols which makes it easier than technical details of the computer. It makes the programs more readable too.

Do differences in programming languages matter? Why?

How can programming languages be classified into different types?

Where do programming languages differ?

3)These provides better documentation.

3)Execution time is very high as the HLL programs are not directly executable.

Flash and Action Script – using this platform and language you can make nice games, nice websites, nice desktop applications etc.

C and C++ is also very powerful language, as far as i know every editor like Android studio, Xcode, Eclipse etc written in C or C++.

Specifies location of the data on which operation is to be performed.

Hardware description languages include:

Apple is also providing its own development platform and language. platform is Xcode and language is Objective C, and Swift. So you can make any app using this platform and language for iPhone, iPad, Mac

Assembly language provide optimal use of computer resources like registers and memory because of direct use of these resources within the programs. Assembly language is easier to use than machine language because there is no need to remember or calculate the binary equivalents for opcode and registers. An assembler is useful for detecting programming errors. Assembly language encourages modular programming which provides the facility of reusable code, using macro.

As per my knowledge it goes like this.

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Object-oriented prototype-based languages

What are some different programming languages?

How many types of programming languages exist?

What are some different programming languages?

5)These have an extensive vocabulary.

Assembly language programs are not directly executable due to the need of translation. Also, these languages are machine dependent and, therefore, not portable from one machine to another. Programming in assembly language requires a high level of programming skills and knowledge ofcomputer architectureof the particular machine.

What is the difference between template language and programming language?

1.HDLs for analog circuit design 2.HDLs for digital circuit design

2)Les time is required to write programs.

as you know there is lot of programming language and each and every language have its uses also

, B.Tech. Computer Programming, The LNM Institute of Information Technology (2020)

Where do programming languages differ?

This is very first question from any beginner programmer

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Specifies operation to be performed by the computer, also known as Opcode.

Low Level Programming Languages are the programming languages that provide very little or no abstraction and have a very-very complex syntax. These languages mainly consist of numeric terms while high-level programming languages provide syntax consisting of a complete alphanumeric syntax. There are most commonly only two Low Level Programming Languages – Assembly Language and Machine Language.

1)These are easier to learn than assembly language.

What are the types of system programming?

Machine language makes most efficientuse of computersystem resources like storage, registers, etc. the instruction of a machine language program are directly executable so there is no need of translators. Machine language instruction can be used to manipulate the individual bits in a computer system with high execution speed due to direct manipulation of memory and registers.

What are some types of programming languages?

How does programming work for different languages?

All high level language are procedure-oriented language and are intended to be machine independent. Programs are written in statements akin to English language, a great advantage over mnemonics of assembly languages require languages use mnemonics of assembly language. That is, the high level languages use natural language like structures. These languages require translators (compilers and interpreters) for execution. The programs written in a high level language can be ported on any computer, that is why known they are known as machine independent. The early highlevel language come in third generation of languages, COBOL, BASIC, APL, etc.

Do differences in programming languages matter? Why?

, studied at KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum

What are the different types of computer languages?

The languages which use only primitive operations of the computer are known as low language. In these languages, programs are written by means of the memory andregistersavailable on the computer. As we all know that the architecture of computer differs from one machine to another, so far each type of computer there is a separate low level programming language. In the other words, Programs written in one low level language of one, architectural cant be ported on any other machine dependent languages. Examples are Machine Language and Assembly Language.

A good metaphor for declarative languages is a set of true statements about something. The combination of all the true statements gives the computer enough hints to do what you wanted without telling it exactly what to do in a precise order. This is like a math or logic book. In general declarative languages are more powerful for parallel or distributed processing. An imperative language is more like a sequence of steps such as a recipe. Another example of an imperative language might be a script for a screenplay or theater production. An imperative language is basically a sequence of commands that say do this, then do that! in great detail with many small steps.

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A typical low level instruction consists essentially of two parts:

How does programming work for different languages?

System programming directly deals with the peripheral devices, as all input and output devices, which does not take active part but very essential. The main focus in system programming is on input, process(storage) and output. The real world examples of system programming are chip writing, cctv cameras, scanners.

Classification of Programming Languages.doc

What do the different programming languages do?

Will a different programming language stop hacking?

What are some types of programming languages?

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What are some of the best ways to learn programming?

To understand how declarative languages are taking over it can help to readThe Twelve-Factor App

In broad terms there aredeclarativelanguages and the rest. The rest are generallyimperativeorprocedural. Declarative languages are generally cleaner, more clearly specified, and more powerful once you get familiar with them but in many cases (such as Haskell) a bit trickier to pick up initially for most people. Declarative languages tend to be more abstract. Imperative or procedural languages (likeC) leave more chores for the programmer and give the computer less opportunity to pitch in during compilation, interpretation, or optimization phases.

Classification of Programming LanguagesComputerprogramminglanguage can beclassifiedinto two major categories:

High Level Programming Languages are the programming languages that provide a strong abstraction and have a simple and easy syntax. For example – Python, Java, C, C++, Ruby, Perl, Python, Basic, JavaScript and many more.

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Object-oriented class-based languages

These language require a translator known as Assembler for translating the program code written in assembly language to machine language. Becausecomputer caninterpret only the machine code instruction, once the translation is completed the program can be executed.

In machine language program, the computation is based on binary numbers. All the instructions including operations, registers, data and memory locations are given in there binary equivalent.

1)A long sequence statements is to be written for every program.

The machine directly understands this language by virtue of its circuitry design so these programs are directly executable on thecomputer withoutany translations. This makes the program execution very fast. Machine languages are also known as first generation languages.

Machine languages are machine dependent and, therefore, programs are not portable from one computer to other. Programming in machine language usuallyresultsin poor programmer productivity. Machine languages require programmers to control the use of eachregisterin the computers Arithmetic Logic Unit and computerstorage locationsmust be addressed directly, not symbolically. Machine language requires a high level of programming skill which increases programmer training costs. Programs written in machine language are more error prone and difficult to debug because it is very difficult to remember all binary equivalent of register, opcode, memory location, etc. program size is comparatively very big due to non-use of reusable codes and use of very basic operations to do a complex computation.

How many types of programming languages exist?

Textual substitution macro languages

Computer Programming languages are basically classified into two types – High Level Programming Language and Low Level Programming Languages.

What are the different types of computer languages?

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