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What are the four types of programming language with definition


Definition of loop and its types and programs in c plus plus?Executing a segment of a program repeatedly by introducing a counter and later testing it using the if statement. A sequence of statements are executed until some conditions for termination of the loop are satisfied. A Program loop consists of two segments: 1.Body of the loop 2. Control Statement Depending on the position of the control statement in the loop, a control strcture may be classifies either as the 2: . Entry Controlled Loop . Exit Controlled Loop 1.Entry Control Loop-(Pre Test Loop) The control conditions are tested before the start of the loop execution. If the conditions are not satisfied , then the body of the loop will not be executed.] eg: While Loop 2.Exit Control Loop-(Post Test loop) The Test is performed at the end of the body of the loop and there fore the body is executed unconditionally for the first time. eg: Do-While while loop for loop do-while loop

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What are the Definitions on programming?Programming is a term that describes the usage of a programming language. Programming languages (C++ for example) are languages that create programs, these programming languages should not be confused with scripting languages. Scripting languages are languages that are meant to be interpenetrated by programs. (Written in a programming language)


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The vast majority of programming languages are high-level as the abstraction between the source code and the platform allows programmers to concentrate on functionality rather than the specific capabilities of the machine(s). High-level languages can be further classified by whether they are imperative, declarative, procedural, structured, object-oriented, functional, logical, domain-specific, or hybrid.

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a plan of action to accomplish a specified end. a radio or television performence or productionLanguage is a way to communicate and interact and to some extent the only source of expressing feelings. Language also performs the function as the identity of a nation.

What is type equivalence in programming language?Type equivalence occurs when two variables are of the same type. For example, if both variables are int (integer variables), they are of equal types. Equivalence can also occur with two different types that are compatible with each other.

What is the definition of language?A language is any set of defined rules that can be used to convey thoughts, ideas, or instructions. Example: Programming languages allow instructions to be conveyed to a computer. Example: French allows me to convey thoughts to people living in France.Types of programming language that is machine independent?FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator) is the best-known earliest example of machine independent language. This is where the language is not dependent on the characteristics of the computer. COBAL (COmmon Business-Orientated Language) is the other type of programming language that is machine independent. COBAL was developed by the US Navy for business applications.

Low-level code: a symbolic language known as Assembler Language that allows machine code to be constructed using a system of mnemonics and symbols in place of binary instructions and operands. A machine code program (the Assembler) translates the low-level code to produce the required machine code. Every platform has its own version of Assembler Language.

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What are the commonly used data types in programming languages?Integer types (char, int, byte, word, long, short, etc) and floating point types (float, double, etc). All other types are simply variations on the integer type, or combinations of two or more types (struct, class, etc).What is Jems definition of the four types of folks?According to Jem, their are four types of folks in the world. The following types are: 1) The ordinary 2) The kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods 3) The king like the Ewells at the dump 4) Negroes Next time read the book haha. The answers are clearly there:)

Why different types of programming languages have been developed?There are different uses for programs. The main variances occur in the level in which the language goes. That is you can go from writing a program in binary to using a language where all you have to right is Hello world and it does a set task. Given this there is also the fact there is always something who thinks that i can do better then this.Why are there different types of programming languages?Different types of programming languages exist because they each excels in a different aspect of programming, and in fact many languages are invented specifically to fulfill a niche that existing languages or language families dont handle as well as programmers would like. The two main distinctions used when determining what languages are best for a given task are low-level vs. high-level and interpreted vs. compiled. Low-level languages such as C and the various assembly languages grant a programmer the maximum amount of control over memory usage and allocation, making those languages good for embedded devices and tasks where memory is at a premium, while high-level languages provide a great deal of abstraction, allowing programmers to perform more complex tasks with less code and implementing concepts such as variable-length arrays, garbage collection, first-class functions, etc. Interpreted languages such as Perl or Ruby are executed by an interpreter program in real time, allowing these languages to benefit from features such as on-the-fly code modification (reflection) and dynamic typing and allowing them to be run on any system with an appropriate interpreter installed, while compiled languages are translated to machine code or bytecode, making these languages much faster and more efficient when run (as compilers can optimize programs ahead of time for speed and memory usage).What is the definition of c sharp programming language?C is a derivative of C++, designed to allow C++ programmers totake advantage of the environment. Officially, it is an objectoriented language that encompasses strong typing and componentorientation.

Why you use function prototype and function definition in c language program?Prototypes and definitions are usually kept separate because consumers of functions and classes are not remotely interested in the implementation of the functions or classes, only in their signatures. In some cases, the implementations will be contained in a library (lib) so the implementation source code may not even be available to consumers. By keeping the prototypes in a separate header, consumers simply need to include the header to make use of the declarations it contains, just as if theyd written all the forward declarations themselves (that is in fact what it means to include a file in your source files). The prototype alone is sufficient to determine how the function or class is used, and the header usually includes documentation either in the header itself or as a separate file. However consumers are only concerned with what a function or class does, not how they do it, so the implementation itself is of little importance.

Machine code: the native language of the computer. All other languages must be assembled, compiled or interpreted to machine code in order to execute. Machine code is platform-specific; code written specifically for one platform cannot be executed upon any other platform.

Why do you need two types of coding in one programming language?It would be easier to answer, if you explained what the two types of coding were.What are 3 types of programming languages?Here are three types of programming languages: . structured programming . procedure oriented programming . object oriented programming

Which type of programming language is suitable for web designing?HTML and CSS. If you want to go more advanced, you could try flash? HTML is a basic web code, very easy to learn and very simple to create a basic website.

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What type of programs are usually written in assebly level language?These days very few programs are written in assembly language. Some parts of operating system kernels are written in assembly language usually because they need to perform some function very specific to a particular microprocessor architecture. Other programs written in assembly language include programs written for very cheap microprocessors in embedded systems. Such systems have very little resources and do not run operating system and compilers. Finally some specific parts of applications programs may be written in assembly language for performance optimization, but examples of those today are quite rare indeed.

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What are the different types of programming languages?A type of programming language could be a domain, paradigm, orfamily; the related links give taxonomies according to all of thesefactors. The below answer addresses the question as regardsfamilies. It would be impossible to list them all, but a few of the mostcommon are as follows (listed in alphabetical order): BASIC – This was the language Bill Gates released for the C64 andother computers. It quickly became a very popular language andmatured into Visual Basic, which further matured into VisualStudio. The current implementation is very expensive, howeverMicrosoft have released Express versions of the Visual Studioseries which are free, at the expense (removal) of somefunctionality. There is also a very young cross-platform (Windows,Linux) Free and Open Source (FOSS) implementation of BASIC calledFreeBASIC, which I personally program in and find very easy to use.It aims for compatibility with QuickBASIC while giving easy accessto the host platforms system functions (the Windows API on Windowsand system calls on Linux). C, C, C++ – These I dont have much knowledge about, I can onlymake reference to the existence of gcc, a cross-platform (theamount of platforms it can compile to is mind-boggling) FOSScompiler. Visual Studio also has compilers for C++ and C. Perl, PHP, Python – These are mainly the web languages of today.PHP is the most widely used, mainly because of the fact thatsupport for it is compiled into Apache, the web server for Linux(which also has ports for Windows and if Im not mistaken, Mac OS).Perl and Python are also used very widely too, as its as simple asinstalling mod_perl into Apache for Perl to work with the same, andId imagine Python integration is as easy too. Computer programming is the craft of writing useful, maintainable, and extensible instructions which can be interpreted by a computing system to perform a meaningful task. Programming a computer can be performed in one of numerous languages, ranging from a higher-level language to writing directly in low-level machine code (that is, code that more directly controls the specifics of the computers hardware) all the way to writing microcode (which does directly control the electronics in the computer).\nUsing programming languages and markup languages (such as XHTML and XForms) require some of the same skills, but using markup languages is generally not considered programming. Nevertheless, many markup languages allow inclusion of scripts, e.g. many HTML documents contain JavaScript. There are exceptions where markup languages do represent programming such as SuperX++ ( and o:XML ( programming is one part of a much larger discipline known as software engineering, which includes several different aspects of making software including design, construction and quality control. The subject of this book is software construction, that is, programming. Computer programming is also a useful skill (though not always necessary) for people who are interested in computer science. Whereas software engineering is interested specifically in making software, computer science tends to be oriented towards more theoretical or mathematical problems.

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Although high-level languages were once classified as third-generation languages (3GL) to coincide with the evolution of third-generation hardware, the term has no practical meaning (prior to that there were no 1GL or 2GL languages). And while marketing types have attempted to garner favour by using the equally meaningless terms 4GL and 5GL, they have largely been abandoned today. Some language implementations still occasionally use the terms to promote their brand, but there is no official specification that differentiates one generation from another. A myriad of unsuccessful attempts to clarify the exact meanings only serve to underline the fact they had no meaning to begin with.

The definition of the c plus plus programming language?C++ is a general purpose programming language. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features, while also providing the facilities for low level memory manipulation. Source: Wikipedia.

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Types of programming languages their merits and demerits?Binary-Incredibly fast and difficult, just 1s and 0s. Assembly-Very fast and a tiny bit less difficult, its still incredibly hard to understand. Compiled-Easy-ish to understand, fast, and reliable, good for big projects. Byte-Code-Easy, medium-fast and reliable, also good for big projects. Interpreted-Very easy, will take you a day or 2 to learn the basics, very useful for math class ;). Markup-A newborn baby could code this with ease, just for static webpages mostly.

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In programming languages What are the advantages and disadvantages of having no types in a language?There is no such thing as an untyped language. Every programminglanguage uses types to determine which operations are valid for agiven value. It would not make sense to multiply two strings, forinstance. Statically typed languages perform validation duringcompilation; invalid operations would prevent compilation and thuseliminates errors which would otherwise have to be detected atruntime, as per a dynamically typed language.

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Definition of Low-level programming language?A low-level programming language is called that because it is closely tied to the machine architecture. As a result, it isnt very portable. A program written for an Intel chip will not run on a Sparc-chip because the instruction set is very different. Low level programming languages require great amounts of detail in the design and implementation, and generally cannot be viewed easily in terms of their overall structure because they are done at a low level. In contrast, high level programming languages may be close to English-like, and can be translated or compiled to any hardware platform usually without regard for the actual machine architecture.What are the different types of programming language?Procedure-oriented programming A type of programming where a structured method of creating programs is used. With procedure-oriented programming, a problem is broken up into parts and each part is then broken up into further parts. All these parts are known as procedures . They are separate but work together when needed. A main program centrally controls them all. Some procedure-oriented languages are COBOL, FORTRAN, and C. Object oriented programming A type of programming where data types representing data structures are defined by the programmer as well as their properties and the things that can be done with them. With object-oriented programming, programmers can also create relationships between data structures and create new data types based on existing ones by having one data type inherit characteristics from another one. In object-oriented programming, data types defined by the programmer are called classes (templates for a real world object to be used in a program). For example, a programmer can create a data type that represents a car – a car class. This class can contain the properties of a car (color, model, year, etc.) and functions that specify what the car does (drive, reverse, stop, etc.) Some object-oriented languages are C++, Java, and PHP.


What are the names of any four procedural programming languages?ABC . Ada . Algol 60 . Algol 68 . APL . Arc . Assembly . Awk . BASIC . Batch . BCPL . Befunge . BETA . C . C++ . C– . C (pronounced C-sharp) . CHILL . Clipper . Cobol . CobolScript . Component Pascal . Cyclone . D . DATABUS . Euphoria . Forth . Fortran . Free Pascal . GNU Pascal . Icon . IDL . Jal . JavaScript . Jovial . Lagoona . Leda . Limbo . Lua . m4 . Maple . Mathematica . MATLAB . Modula-2 . Modula-3 . Mumps . Oberon . Objective Caml (OCaml) . Occam . Oz-Mozart . Pascal . Perl . PHP . PL . PL/1 . Pliant . PL/SQL . PostScript . PowerBuilder . Proteus . REBOL . Rexx . S-Lang . Small C . Snobol . Tcl-Tk . T3X . VBA . Visual Basic . Visual DialogScript . Yorick Note: Some of these languages, such as PHP, Perl, Caml/OCaml, and IDL also support object oriented programming. Others on the list (C++, JavaScript, C ) are primarily object-oriented languages which can also (though less commonly) be used to program procedurally. Some are macro or scripting languages (Rexx, Awk, m4) which, while they do support some procedural concepts, arent really procedural languages, but rather interpreted streams. Also note that Assembly is NOT a high-level language, and generally is not considered a procedural language, as it doesnt have enough abstraction. Finally, traditional COBOL is NOT a procedural language (in fact, one of the long-standing criticism of it is that it lacks any structured programming characteristics). Current-day COBOL has some ability to use procedural programming concepts, but, overall, should not be considered a real procedural language. SNOBOL is similar, in that the original version were certainly not procedural in nature, but modern versions are much more structured programming friendly (and can be considered a procedural language).


Vbnet is which type of language Service Oriented Architecture Programming Language Object Oriented Programming Language Procedural Oriental Programming Language?Visual Basic (VB .NET) is an OOP, an Object-Oriented Programming Language. Its paradigm is both OOP and Event-Driven, but thats beside the point.

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High-level code: an abstract symbolic language that uses human-readable keywords (typically English-based) and sentence-like structures to convey logic. High-level code can be platform-specific, however the level of abstraction is such that code can often be compiled to suit any platform, provided a suitable compiler or interpreter exists for that platform.

What are the three types of programming language?There are more than 3 types of programming languages. Check similar questions/answers before posting this.What are user define data types and behave like built-in types of a programming language?classes are user define data types and behave like built-in types of a programming languageWhat types of programming languages have the most instruction explosion?Programming languages differ in the degree of instruction explosion. Even different types of statements within a language vary in the degree of instruction explosion. In general, statements describing mathematical computation have low instruction explosion (10:1 or less), while statements describing I/O operation have high instruction explosion (100:1 or more).

How many types of programming languages are there?Basically there are two types: low level (assembler) and high level (C++, C and so on).Language is an agreed upon way of communication. Most languagesinclude a written and verbal method of communication and includessome sort of shorthand or slang relative to different regions.


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What type of programming language is Visual Basic NET?You can download a FREE trial copy of Visual Studio Express 2010 from here… …which allows you to create programs using Visual . = Visual BASIC.NET programming language uses OOP-Object Oriented Programming style; using objects such as… -form/window -frames -labels -text box -buttons -radio button -check box -drop down list box -etc. First, you create a form application; then, using your mouse, you select, then, drag and drop whichever chosen objects seen inside of the library of objects onto the form; this form is what you use to create your UI-User Interface with. The form at design time transforms itself into becoming a window at run time…you run Visual BASIC programs by pressing function key [F5]…the run time window has the normal standard: minimize/resize/close buttons being located top right. = There are many different kinds of application that Visual BASIC.NET can create… -Windows Forms Application -WPF/Windows Presentation Foundation Application (or, desktop application) -WPF Browser Application (web page) -Console Application -Class Library -etc. = Visual BASIC.NET has both offline/online Help files; where you are given plenty of example codes to go and test out/run. Enjoy…; and, I sure hope you do have loads of FUN. :-)What are the types of programming languages and its generations?1. Machine languages(low level languages) 2. assembly languages 3. procedure oriented languages(high level languages) 4. fourth generation languages(4GLs)

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Which programming language is compiler type and which is interpreter type?Although most languages are either compiled or interpreted, theresactually nothing to prevent you interpreting a language that isnormally compiled, or compiling a language that is normallyinterpreted. BASIC, for instance, is traditionally an interpretedlanguage, however modern implementations use compilation. Moreover,Java is typical of many modern languages that natively use bothtechniques by default, compiling the high-level source code into anintermediate byte code which is than interpreted to produce themachine code. But, with a suitable compiler implementation, it ispossible to produce native machine code programs from Java sourcecode. When we speak of compiled or interpreted languages were usuallyreferring to the languages standard, if it has one. C and C++ arestandardised and both are compiled, but theres nothing to preventthem from being interpreted. BASIC, on the other hand, isnon-standard because it has such a wide-variety of variants, someof which are interpreted, some of which compile to byte code (whichis then interpreted) and some of which compile to native machinecode. Non-standard languages are generally non-portable thereforeyou have to look at the specific implementation to determine if itis compiled, interpreted, or both compiled and interpreted.What are types or level of programming languages?You need to learn Java C/C++ Coding aswell as working with High-Tech Machines. You also need a major in Computer Science.

What are the different types of programming languages and their description?The entire list of possible programming languages would take hours to list effectively and in that level of detail. There are hundreds of languages that have been developed, each with a specific purpose in mind, even if that purpose was to be better than the one before it. A very comprehensive resource is available on WikiPedia in regards to the types of languages available. From a very generic standpoint, there are three general categories, though: Low Level, High Level, and Very High Level. Low Level languages interface directly with the hardware, or very nearly so, and requires the most intimate knowledge of the hardware to program effectively. Experts in low level languages tend to write code that runs faster, uses less memory and other resources than an identical program written in a higher-level language. High Level languages abstract the comput

What reasons are there for different types of programming languages?That depends on the Applications that we like to run, i.e. we choose a programming language that is suitable for an application, for instance, we may use HTML and java scrip to design webpages while we can use foxpro or oracle to design a database and so forth…How do data types and formulas work in the programming language C?The C language provides many basic types. Most of them are formedfrom one of the four basic arithmetic type specifies in C (char,int, float and double), and optional specifies (signed, unsigned,short, long). Functions in computer programming and spreadsheetsare very similar to those in math.

n. . A listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation. . The presentation itself: a program of piano pieces. . A scheduled radio or television show. . An ordered list of events to take place or procedures to be followed; a schedule: a program of physical therapy for a convalescent. . A system of services, opportunities, or projects, usually designed to meet a social need: Working parents rely on the centers after-school latchkey program (New York Times). . A course of academic study; a curriculum. . A plan or system of academic and related or ancillary activities: a work-study program. . A plan or system of nonacademic extracurricular activities: the football program. . A set of coded instructions that enables a machine, especially a computer, to perform a desired sequence of operations. . An instruction sequence in programmed instruction. tr.v. , -grammed , or -gramed , -gramÂming , or -gramÂing , -grams , or -grams . . To include or schedule in a program: program a new musical composition. . To design a program for; schedule the activities of. . To provide (a machine) with a set of coded working instructions. . To train to perform automatically in a desired way, as if programming a machine: programmed the children to use perfect table manners. . To prepare an instructional sequence for (material to be taught) in programmed instruction.


Is Python strongly typed programming language?Yes, Python is strongly-typed. You can test if any language is strongly-typed with a very simpleexample: x = 1 y = 2 z = x + y The above will not compile in a strongly typed language because yis a string, not a number. That is, the language will notimplicitly convert y to a number simply because you used it in anumeric expression. A weakly-linked language will perform theconversion behind the scenes. Note that some strongly typed languages will permit the following: value = 1 value = one This is an example of dynamic typing; the same variable hasexplicitly changed type. This is not possible with statically typedlanguages. However, dynamic typing does not imply weak typing.Dynamic typing is explicit, weak typing is not.

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