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Coding Challenge Platforms

The model of theses companies is simple, give hiring companies better insight about a developer. A interesting post about Codewars strategy :

Deploy a Flask app with Gunicorn and Docker

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Second React app –

Codingame is also an other good coding platform, the only one I know that has a graphical interface. Most of the challenges are games and you can see in real time what your algorithm actually does. However you can not test your code in your own IDE because of that.

Codewars is also a good coding challenge platform, I like the number of languages represented, the UI is also interesting. The difficulty level is at first not obvious. For instance (8kyu and 6kyu) are two different levels.

I love the clarity of the website everything is well organized new coding challenges are available every day, the community is pretty active. There are several contests every month. Since last year they improved the diversity of their challenges, adding SQL challenges, Ruby, databases The tests compute faster than before. I only see one thing missing, a tutorial section or a learning zone. Right now they redirect you to other blogs posts or wikipedia.

I havent try topcoder or codechef yet. Ive just subscribed and was not very attracted by these two compare to others. I will give them a try another day !

You can find a decent amount of challenge on codeeval and also some job offers. However Im not a huge fan of the submission system not as good as the others.

In this blog post, I will review some common coding challenges platform such as.Training and staying sharp in algorithm is I think an important skill for a software developer. As you know, these challenges are very similar to the programming interview you can get. Plus this kind of platform are used by an increasing numbers of companies in order to recruit people.

Creating a queue with two stacks in PythonNEXT

Hackerrank is for me the more advanced coding platform Ive encountered so far.

Install Airflow 1.8.0 on Ubuntu 16.04

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