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How to install rar extract software in centos 7

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How to install rar extract software in centos 7? I deployed the website developed by webform to centos 7 in my work some time ago. When installing the environment software, the rar file cannot be decompressed, so how to install the rar decompression software for centos 7?

How to install rar extract software in centos 7
How to install rar extract software in centos 7

Install wget

This operation is optional, if your Centos is a new server, you need to install wget.

Centos install command:

yum install wget -y
install wget

By the way, if your system is Debian/Ubuntu, execute this command:

apt-get install -y wget

Install rar extract software in centos

Before starting to install the rar decompression software, you need to find out whether centos is 32-bit or 64-bit. You can use the uname -a command or getconf LONG_BIT to know how many bits your server has.

How to install rar extract software in centos 7
How to install rar extract software in centos 7

Enter the command in the terminal to download the rar package

32 bit:


64 bit:

down rar

Download the corresponding rar installation package, and you can see that there is an obvious difference between x64. As for the version number, you can go to the official website to choose by yourself, it can be used anyway.

Unzip the installation package

tar -zxvf rarlinux-x64-5.3.0.tar.gz

rar x test.rar//Extract test.rar to the current directory

rar test.rar ./test/ //Package the test directory as test.rar

enter the unzipped “rar” folder:

cd rar

To configure:


Unzip your rar file

Use, there are many operations on rar, only the two most commonly used are recorded here:


rar x DB.rar//Extract DB.rar to the current directory


rar DB.rar ./database/ //Package the database directory as DB.rar
How to install rar extract software in centos 7
How to install rar extract software in centos 7

The above is the detailed content of how centos decompresses the rar format file. It is a record of some problems I encountered when deploying the webform website on the customer’s centos server.

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