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How to open a specified port in Centos 7

How to open a specified port in Centos 7? In the previous post, I deployed the website developed by the client using the webform technology to the Centos 7 server. When the deployment was successful, I found that I could not access it because the ports 443 and 80 were not enabled. This post will discuss Let’s take a look at the topic of Centos opening specified ports.

How to open a specified port in Centos 7

Open a specified port in Centos 7

Open ports

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=5672/tcp --permanent # Open port 5672

firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=5672/tcp --permanent #Close port 5672

firewall-cmd --reload # The configuration takes effect immediately

View all open ports on the firewall

firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports

Turn off the firewall

If there are too many ports to be opened and it is troublesome, you can close the firewall and evaluate the security by yourself

systemctl stop firewalld.service

Check the firewall status

 firewall-cmd --state

View the listening port

netstat -lnpt
How to open a specified port in Centos 7
How to open a specified port in Centos 7

PS: centos 7 does not have the netstat command by default, you need to install the net-tools tool, yum install -y net-tools

Check which process the port is occupied by

netstat -lnpt | grep 5672

How to open a specified port in Centos 7
How to open a specified port in Centos 7

View the details of the process

ps 6832

View the details of the process
View the details of the process

Abort the process

kill -9 6832

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