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Which Countries Have the Most Female Developers?

For starters, we see further evidence that the United States, which ranks 11th in terms of percentage of female developers and should improveespecially in regards to Java development. In comparison, women in India are growing up with coding stitched a little closer into their culture.

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Russia is closely followed by its European counterparts in Italy and Poland. Though India has the largest share of female developers, they rank 18th, with a middling average score of 146.2 points.

Women make upless than a thirdof the tech talent pool in Silicon Valley. AtGoogleandFacebook, women make up just 17% and 15% of technical positions.

Hongkong is not a country. Its part of China.

So what does looking abroad teach us about the gender gap in coding?

Its no secret that theres a gender gap in coding.

For starters, we see further evidence that the United States, which ranks 11th in terms of percentage of female developers and should improveespecially in regards to Java development. In comparison, women in India are growing up with coding stitched a little closer into their culture.

When women do take our challenges, which computer programming domains are they particularly drawn to? The chart below shows the percentage of female test takers for each of our challenges.

We looked at womens average scores on algorithms challenges (which account for more than 40% of all HackerRank tests taken) to find out. Algorithms challenges include sorting data, dynamic programming, searching for keywords, and other logic-based tasks. Scores typically range from 0 to 115 points. We examined the 20 countries with the most female developers in order to have large sample sizes.

Russia is closely followed by its European counterparts in Italy and Poland. Though India has the largest share of female developers, they rank 18th, with a middling average score of 146.2 points.

Nicely written . Good Article loved reading it.

But we also see an encouraging sign for women who find themselves working in a male-dominated industry. Relatively few women in Belarus, China, and Russia participate in coding challenges. But their female developersdespite these challengesare still crushing it.

Russias female developers, who only account for 7.8% of Russian HackerRank developers, top the list with an average score of 244.7 on algorithms tests.

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One of the problems could be that recruiters look for talent in the same places MIT / Stanford leading to bidding wars for pedigreed candidates and the illusion of a skills shortage, especially among underrepresented groups. When, actually, companies are overlooking thousands of qualified female developers simply because they dont look good on paper.

Update: This article was picked up byFast CompanyandBusiness Insider

So, does more female developers mean better female developers?

Is diversity hiring one of your goals?Learn how to find more female developers.

India, which contributes nearly 40% of HackerRanks developers, leads the pack with about 23% female developers. Experts havefoundthat Indias education and tech industry culture is more conducive to gender equality in computer programming.

At HackerRank,and help developers get jobs. Hundreds of thousands of developers from all over the world participate in challenges in a variety of programming languages and knowledge domains, from Python to artificial intelligence to distributed systems.

wow!!You are really amazing for sharing informative stuff here.keep going like this with all needed stuff.Thank you for sharing.keep it up.

Russias female developers, who only account for 7.8% of Russian HackerRank developers, top the list with an average score of 244.7 on algorithms tests.

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This blog is amazing to read and for learning.Thank You Blog.

Is diversity hiring one of your goals?Learn how to find more female developers.

Screen Shot 2017 01 17 at 10.10.16 AM

Some truly great posts on this web site, thank you for conbritution. ??Once, power was considered a masculine attribute. In fact, power has no sex.?? by Katharine Graham.

Women account for 21% of developers in tutorial and Java challenges. The tutorials domain includes our, which is heavily Java-based. Women spend the least time on artificial intelligence and security challenges.

So what does looking abroad teach us about the gender gap in coding?

We began our analysis with an attempt to assess exactly how many HackerRank test takers are female. Though we dont collect gender data from our developers, we were able to assign a gender to about 80% of developers based on their first name. (We did not include first names with equal gender distributions, such as Taylor or Riley.)

The vast majority 82.9% of developers on HackerRank are male. Though the gender balance is far from equal, its a significantly more balanced than the 5.8% female StackOverflow survey result.

But we also see an encouraging sign for women who find themselves working in a male-dominated industry. Relatively few women in Belarus, China, and Russia participate in coding challenges. But their female developersdespite these challengesare still crushing it.

The United States, the second largest contributor of developers, falls just shy of the top 10 with 14.8% female developers. Chile had the lowest representation of women, with fewer than 3% female developers.

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We were curious to find out: Where do the best female developers live? We decided to analyze our data of 2M+ developers.

About 17% of people who have solved HackerRank coding challenges are female. According to our data, India and Italy have the highest percentage of female developers, while women from Belarus, China and Russia score the best. We also found that female developers are unusually likely to take our Java challenges, and are not drawn to our challenges on security or artificial intelligence.

Tech talent hiring knowledge best practices

Looking to hire more female developers?Learn more about skills-based hiring to boost diversity.

Next, we looked for trends within countries. Below is a breakdown of the share of female developers from each of the top 50 countries with the most developers on HackerRank. For each of these countries, thousands of developers have participated in a HackerRank challenge.

Skills-Based Hiring Can Narrow the Tech Talent Gap

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