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Do you know the Linux kernel version number

Do you know the Linux kernel version number

Do you know the Linux kernel version number? The Linux kernel version is different, and there is a Linux distribution version. Now the mainstream centos should be centos7. Starting from centos7.2, the kernel version is 3.10, and the later the kernel version is higher.

How to write paging control

How to write paging control

In this post, I will introduce how to write paging control. The reason is that at work, our project is a website project developed using the ancient technology. There is no suitable paging control, so I will write one myself.

How to configure http to automatically redirect https in IIS

How to configure http to automatically redirect https in IIS

How to configure HTTP to automatically redirect HTTPS in IIS? Now, most websites use HTTPS, so how does IIS configure http to automatically redirect https in IIS? This article will share the automatic redirection of HTTP requests to HTTPS through URL Write, see the content of the article for details.

Backstage Permission Interaction Design Guide

Backstage Permission Interaction Design Guide

Backstage permission interaction design guide, This article is aimed at elementary product managers, product experience designers , and interaction designers who undertake part of the product boundary work. 

MinDoc insert video and audio file tutorial

MinDoc insert video and audio file tutorial

MinDoc insert video and audio file tutorial, During my work, I used MinDoc to build a document management system in the intranet environment, which is convenient for sharing some document content, involving some tutorial content, but the video is very convenient,

How to Setup PureFTPd on CentOS 7

How to Setup PureFTPd on CentOS 7

How to Setup PureFTPd on CentOS 7? Hi all, today in this tutorial, we’ll be compiling and installing PureFTPd from source on CentOS 7. Pure-ftpd is a lightweight and stable FTP daemon which supports various authentication backends like Linux system users, puredb, MySQL and PostgeSQL.